Throw Back Thursday #Creepmas style.

Man has the big guy changed over the years thanks to Coke Cola for fixing what had to be nightmare fuel for children growing up! Here is a look at some of the craziest looking Santa's.

Ok, Really Santa your face is melting off you really need to see a doctor stat!

Santa Smells like Beer and Cheese

Honestly what the F#$K? Is that a brown paper bag on his head painted red?

Hmm Yeah Ok

This has to be on the poster for Creepmas!!

Santa is old and tired kid 

The girls face says it all!

This poor boy if you only knew how much you are going to get picked on.

No really kid RUN!!

That time when Bozo took a side job.

Ok, your turn caption this one...


  1. OMG, that kid with the . . . what the hell is that? a "balloon animal"? My fave Santa is the old and tired one with the big SHINER!

  2. So many creepy Santa’s, kind of makes you hope Krampus shows up instead. Is that last one Michael Myers on Christmas morning? That kid ain’t right.

  3. My caption "All I want for Christmas is a new face". Really though, these are laugh out loud funny. The Balloon kid, melting face Santa, and the Creepmas Card are all great. Superb Post Bob.
