Swirly Pop Foodie Friday!
One of the many enjoyments of the Autumn season is Oktoberfest and the wonderful beers that it brings. Now you can pick up a true German beer year round with Spaten's Oktoberfest which is a true Märzen. Most American company's fall a little short in this area. But among most German's this is the beer of choice.
When it comes to American beers Samuel Adam's Oktoberfest would be what most pick up. Here in the midwest, the buzz is always on Leinekugel's. Brewed in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. With a solid ABV of 5.10% is not for the light at heart.

This beer pours a clear, bold gold with a thin head that quickly disappears. Its aroma is of nuts, bread, and toasted malt. The flavor is nutty with notes of toast and spice with a mild hoppy tang in the finish. The mouthfeel is light-medium. Leinenkugels Oktoberfest is a good beer, balanced and a great match for schnitzel and sauerkraut.
This year I did manage to try a new Oktoberfest Brew from Boulevard Brewing Company in Missouri. The company started back in 1989. With over 26 beers in their portfolio, I can't believe I missed this.
A pretty good looking Oktoberfest brew. Amber-orange and clear, good light tan head and pretty good lacing.
Smell is light and malty, nutty, caramel, bread, and slightly sweet.
Taste is pretty good, lots of great caramel malts, a touch of bready and toasty flavors, a good amount of sweetness, some nuts, and some floral notes, and decent hops. Pretty balanced for the style and generally quite enjoyable. There was a light caramel aftertaste that was hard to deal with at the end. Other then that is a good Oktoberfest Marzen Beer.
I do look forward to there Nutcracker Ale that will be out for the holidays.
Thought it would be nice to sure a recipe for Leinenkugel's Oktoberfest.
Leinenkugel's Oktoberfest-Infused Brew Brats
For some crisp-weather grilling, try this seasonal brew-infused recipe.
1 dozen brats
Leinenkugel's Oktoberfest
1 medium-large sweet onion, sliced
1 green pepper, sliced
1 yellow pepper, sliced
1 red pepper, sliced
2oz butter
Place brats in a Dutch oven with sliced onions, peppers, then cover the brats with Leinenkugel's Oktoberfest. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer until brats are cooked.
Remove brats and set aside remaining beer mixture.
Grill brats until golden brown and return to beer mixture until ready to serve.