There's Something Deadly in the Air!

Demon Wind
1990 | R | 1 Hr 36 Min | Horror | United Filmmakers

Director: Charles Philip Moore

Writer: Charles Philip Moore

Eric Larson
Francine Lapensée
Rufus Norris

Back in the distant 1931, in a secluded and weathered farmhouse, the gruesome sight of a crucified body set ablaze sends chills down the spine. But inside the house, a fierce, yet futile battle rages on, as Regina and her husband George, struggle desperately to avert a horde of nightmarish and malevolent demonic specters from entering into our dimension from an ominous dark doorway. In the present day, after the disastrous event of that horrible day, Cory, Regina's grandchild, riddled with questions and the need to investigate the mysterious death of his grandparents, assembles his trustworthy friends back to the old farm where it all began some sixty years earlier, although, not sure what to expect. However, this supernatural territory is a hostile no man's land, a fact that the team is going to pay in blood to find out.

With a budget of $500,000 and a 24-day shooting schedule, I can see why Demon Wind is gaining strength with its Cult status. This one has B movie cheese oozing all over it. This low budget flick has such power over me and I can not explain how or why. Is it good? Well, my 1990 drunk self would have yelled "hell ya" but upon sobering up I would be asking just how the hell did this even get made? The plot holes are so big Donald Trump's ego would still fit through them!

Honestly, the story really makes no sense but it is easy to see how they are banking on the Evil Dead formula to make it work.  Sprinkle in a little Fog and Children of the Corn and you have Demon Wind. And why wind you ask well I can not give you an answer. It's a word in the title I guess. Never the less this movie has some odd charm that will either keep you happy and trecking on or have you turning it off rather quickly.

One of the coolest effects would be the doorway to the burned down cabin. The Concept of once you have passed through the door your walking into another dimension. On the outside, it still looks like a burned down cabin. Once you have entered tho you can not go back.  Now I'm not sure if I should be laughing at the sound effects or not as they seemed to have used the old Hanna Barbar folly effects. You know those thuds you hear in old 60s and 70s Flintstone cartoon's yeah they really did use those! And the special effects are not bad for the budget and at times are downright creepy.

So here you go with a small amount of "wind" some gnarly special effects like pudding spewing zombie demons and yellow goo flying everywhere you get past the plot and settle in for something special. I was not expecting much just some simple fun to kill a few hours but by the ending of this truly bonkers movie, I was having a blast. I will recommend Demon Wind to my horror friends, as I really enjoyed getting on this dark ride!

3 (1/2) Bloody Brains out of 5

Budget: $500,000.

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