Yet another big loss, Roddy Piper has passed away from congestive heart failure at the age of 61. I was never a wrestling fan, but you could not beat the golden days of the 1980's. I always liked Piper over Hogan any day.
And nobody will ever forget "They Live" and its longest fight scene and, of course, those famous words "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum."
Rest In Peace Hot Rod you will be missed by many!
The most amazing suspense-thriller of the year!
Shadow Of The Cat
1961 | B&W | 79 Minutes | 1.33:1 | NA | Horror | Mono | Hammer Studio's
Director: John Gilling
Writer: George Baxt
André Morell
Barbara Shelley
William Lucas
Plot: A female house cat sees her mistress murdered by her husband and two servants and becomes ferociously bent on revenge.
As I have stated in the past I'm not much of a fan when it comes to Hammer Horror. Not sure why part of me feels it comes from the classic monsters that they gave their spin on. Was never a fan of those but after seeing the preview for this on Svengoolie I got pretty excited about it. Now I'm months behind on my Sven viewing but was happy to jump ahead to this one. Why not a cat cause all kinds of chaos to help solve a murder of her master.
1961 | B&W | 79 Minutes | 1.33:1 | NA | Horror | Mono | Hammer Studio's
Source: Svengoolie
Writer: George Baxt
André Morell
Barbara Shelley
William Lucas
Plot: A female house cat sees her mistress murdered by her husband and two servants and becomes ferociously bent on revenge.
As I have stated in the past I'm not much of a fan when it comes to Hammer Horror. Not sure why part of me feels it comes from the classic monsters that they gave their spin on. Was never a fan of those but after seeing the preview for this on Svengoolie I got pretty excited about it. Now I'm months behind on my Sven viewing but was happy to jump ahead to this one. Why not a cat cause all kinds of chaos to help solve a murder of her master.
Horizon Camp Goes Medieval
Just got back from one of the greatest weeks of my life. The Association of Horizon summer camp. I have so many stories to tell and pictures to share but for now I want to post a few of the videos that I made, I'm still pretty wiped out from lack of food and sleep.
Just a quick background on Steve and I we have been together for over 20 years. We meet at MDA Summer Camp and when Steve was too old to go we stopped going as a team. My sister and one of my best bud's started going to Camp Horizon a few years a ago and talked me into helping for Fall Weekend. I loved it and was instantly hooked again. But I always said I would never do camp without Steve. Well, last year was our first year back and this year was unbelievable.
We made a few new friends and tried a few new things this year. We even ate some of the worst camp food ever. The week goes so fast, but I'm glad we are back at it.
Enjoy the video's and thanks for watching.
Just a quick background on Steve and I we have been together for over 20 years. We meet at MDA Summer Camp and when Steve was too old to go we stopped going as a team. My sister and one of my best bud's started going to Camp Horizon a few years a ago and talked me into helping for Fall Weekend. I loved it and was instantly hooked again. But I always said I would never do camp without Steve. Well, last year was our first year back and this year was unbelievable.
We made a few new friends and tried a few new things this year. We even ate some of the worst camp food ever. The week goes so fast, but I'm glad we are back at it.
Enjoy the video's and thanks for watching.
Walking Dead Q&A 2011
I have had this video stuck on YouTube for years. Tube would tell me it was tooooooo long. Well blah, I had no idea so I tried to re-edit them this week to make them shorter. So today's Flashback Thursday is from Flashback Weekend 2011! Yeah, it's that old also its the Walking Dead which was cool at the time. They were just getting into the second season so the interview is pretty cool for its time. Anywho hope you enjoy
Evil Bong Comic!
So the Full Moon fans will jump up and down for the Movie Announcement in this video but for me all those Comic Book titles that are coming soon! I knew about Trancers but GingerDead Man and Evil Bong holy crap!! Here take my money!!
Charles Band is introduced by Action Lab to announce the new line of Trancers comics and more. Plus a new film announcement. And a cameo from Tiffany Shepis.
So here is the list of the 3 issue mini-series that they showed.

Charles Band is introduced by Action Lab to announce the new line of Trancers comics and more. Plus a new film announcement. And a cameo from Tiffany Shepis.
So here is the list of the 3 issue mini-series that they showed.
- Demonic Toys
- Oblivion
- Evil Bong
- Doctor Mordrid
- Killjoy
- Shadowzone
- Subspecies
- Trancers

The only witness to MURDER!
Shadow Of The Cat
1961 | B&W | 79 Minutes | 1.33:1 | NA | Horror | Mono | Hammer Studio's
Writer: George Baxt
André Morell
Barbara Shelley
William Lucas
A female house cat sees her mistress murdered by her husband and two servants and becomes ferociously bent on revenge.
Sweet!! Something I have never seen before. Even though its Hammer Horror I will give this one a shot. I dig that on IMBD the only trivia that is show... Body Count 6. Hmm, interesting.
Puppets Vs. An All New Evil!
Puppet Master 5 The Final Chapter
1994 | Color | 82 Minutes | 1.33:1 | R | Horror | Dolby | Full Moon Entertainment
Source: DVD
Writers: Steven E. Carr
Gordon Currie
Chandra West
Ian Ogilvy
Shoot back to back with Puppet Master 4 its pretty obvious this is a continuation. What I did not realize was the two movies were going to be one movie released to the multiplexes everywhere under the name Puppet Master: The Movie. In a way, I'm thankful for the direct to video that we have today.
So with this movie picking up where the last one ended it's a little more of the same thing. Rick is in jail for the murders and Blade has been confiscated but thankfully he knows how to escape. The new director of the Artifical Intelligence project is very interested in Toulon's secret. So of course he hires some thugs to break into the hotel and get the remaining puppets.
Of course, the Demon is not done trying to recapture the secret he sends up one more Hell Bound Dark Totem for one last battle! This time it will take all of them as a team to bring down the evil. Toulon even warns our hero's to get out and let the puppets do the dirty work. When all is said and done Rick takes the puppets back home to repair and care for them. Toulon speaks to Rick one final time, again entrusting his puppets and their secret to him while they will act as his protectors. And Rick muses that his fight has now just begun ...
What I was shocked by was this was not the weakest on the bunch so far. In fact, I rather enjoyed this one over the 4th installment. And if the series would have ended with this one I think the fans would have been happy with. We are treated to a few good puppet battles and death scene but oddly enough for a Charles Band movie we do not get any Nudity just some really boring soft sex scene. The music is the same as all the other movies you get nothing new. A day of filming was lost due to the crew walking out, as their paychecks had collectively bounced which shows the struggles back then were just as real as they are today. The budget was used on the puppets this time around and that was really it.
Only two things bugged me this time around the first being the Scooby Doo style case through the hotel hallways. The other was the really long opening that filled us in from the last movie. I did not feel that was necessary at all and I watched them a few months apart. If you are a fan of the franchise and like most have not gone past the 2nd or 3rd one give the 4 and 5 a chance.
Half way through the Puppet Master Collection will the next 5 be as good as the last? We will soon see but for now PM5 you get...
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3 Bloody Brains. |
B-Movie Scream Queens - Entertainment Tonight
Entertainment Weekly did a story on the B-Movie Scream Queens that somebody found on VHS pretty cool story.
A little Video for your VHS Wednesday.
Ok, I'm not going to lie I get a kick out of this Magisto app on my phone. It will randomly make a video for you and let you know. Sometimes they are fun and sometimes not so much but none the less I like playing with it. Make sure you follow my YouTube page but for now here is a quick hit.
Nerd Alert!
So it was San Diego Comic Con was the past weekend. Some can not wait to see the trailers I'm one of those that can not wait to see the new toys coming out. This year had its fair share of coolness!

sent out with a label on it telling you that was the game.
Next we have what has to be some pretty cool Home Alone action figures. I guess at the show they had an exclusive BluRay in a paint can. The action figures have interchangeable heads.
Critters, Turtles, and Madballs!
So I'm still posting about my huge pick up's from the more on 34 Garage Sale road trip that the girls and I went on. We do not hit the road to much in the hot July month. Or should I say the extremely wet July that we are having. I know I have already reviewed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VHS that I picked up, but it does show up in this post as well.
This week we have more DVD's plus I show off what I picked up in the VHS department and finally some Comic Books as well. Next week I will post my Video Game Finds for you but for now here is a look at my finds.
H.G. Well's Fantastic Sensation Tonight On Svengoolie
The Invisible Man
1933 | B&W | 71 Minutes | 1.33:1 | NA | Horror | Mono | Universal
Writers: H.G. Wells
Claude Rains
Gloria Stuart
William Harrigan
Ugh, I can not wait for the Universal Monsters to be done! Don't get me wrong I love watching them but it is all Sven has been showing for a few years now. I'm ready for some fresh movies.
Sven to Host Mad Monster Party at FlashbackWeekend!
Holy cat's I wonder if my kids will let me drag them to this? I think its great that FlashbackWeekend is looking to make this a family convention I'm all in for this!
Join Flashback Weekend on Sunday August 9 for some spooky fun for the entire family emceed by Chicago TV Horror Host legend SVENGOOLIE (Rich Koz) as only he can. Join us for a screening of the 1967 Rankin Bass stop motion animated classic “MAD MONSTER PARTY” starring Boris Karloff! The 2 hour stage show / movie screening will include audience participation and many more surprises!
Svengoolie will take the stage at 1:00PM. Other convention activities throughout the day include our giant vendors room to find rare collectibles, meet celebrity guests, and have the kiddies join us for some fun activities!
RIP Irwin Keyes
Sad news today as horror fans remember character actor Irwin Keyes. Keyes is best remembered for his role in Rob Zombie's House of 1,000 Corpses and his character Ravelli. I will not forget that first night at Flashback weekend in 2004 Keyes was one of the first guests Steve and I met. He was one of the coolest guys around. He sat and talked to us about his movies and how Warriors was still one of his favorite parts even if it was small. We talked to him for at least 40 mintues that day and in the end he signed a photo for Steve and my House cover for free. He was really interested in hearing our story on how we met and why we where at the convention together. Such a kind hearted man.
Of course for me some of my favorites would have to be Oblivion 1 & 2 and of course Evil Bong 3D and let us not forget Horror High!
Keyes died Wednesday in Playa del Rey, Calif., of complications from acromegaly, a rare disorder caused when the pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone, his manager.
Now if you would excuse me I need to go watch Zapped! in remembrance.
The Making Of The Coming Out Of Their Shells Tour
1991 | Color | 30 Minutes | 1.33:1 | PG | Documentry | Stereo | New Line Home Video
Source: VHS
Director: Michael Danty
Writer: Michael Danty
Kevin Eastman
Peter Laird
Michael Pressman
This documentary treats movie fans to a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the live-action film adaptation of the popular comic book and animated series. Included are interviews with the cast and crew who share their experiences from making the film, as well as discuss the efforts that went into it.
Sometimes it is amazing what 25 cents will get you even if you never knew it existed. Even better when you run into something that is never been released on DVD. Although this is a documentary and rather silly I could easily see a 10-year-old really enjoying this. In fact judging by the drop outs on this tape, it was watched a few times. It has a run time of 30 minutes but the adult me was getting a little board around the 15-minute mark. It gets a little silly and grows old pretty fast.
I will give the concept of the Tour some street cred the Turtles look pretty cool. They do not come off as rubber suits and the lips move somewhat to the song. Speaking of the songs they are not to shabby. A solid mix of Trixter meets early 90's power rock. In fact, I could handle the solid called hit single "You Can Count on Me". Glad I watched it but now it will sit on my shelf for a bit before I try to sell it. This VHS fetches $24.44 in good shape so I would put my copy at $11.89 price.
Cowabunga Dudes
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2 Bloody Brains out of 5 |
Last Weeks DVD Pick-ups.
So I'm a little behind on the pickup post's so let's play a little catch up shall we? These are from my adventure going up and down the More on 34 sales. I picked up quite a few tiles. First up...
Who will survive?
Birdemic Shock And Terror
2010 | Color | 105 Minutes | 1.78:1 | NR | Horror | Stereo | Moviehead Pictures
Director: James Nguyen
Writers: James Nguyen
2010 | Color | 105 Minutes | 1.78:1 | NR | Horror | Stereo | Moviehead Pictures
Source: ConTV
Writers: James Nguyen
Alan Bagh
Whitney Moore
A platoon of eagles and vultures attacks the residents of a small town. Many people die. It's not known what caused the flying menace to attack. Two people manage to fight back, but will they survive Birdemic?
How the hell do you review a $10,000 crap fest that took 4 years to make and has a cult following! You don't this movie sucks butt in so many ways. The only saving factor was I watched the version on ConTv with the guys from Riff Tracks. At least the jokes made this movie somewhat watchable. James Nguyen made the actress wear bikinis during the make-out scenes because he did not want the couples to actually have sex. The birds or so bad they don't really move just float around kind of attacking people. The acting is notorious to the point of them being the butt of most jokes.
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Shock and Terror I guess |
A City Screams in Terror!
1956 | B&W | 78 Minutes | 1.37:1 | NR | Horror | Stereo | Universal
Writers: Arthur A. Ross
Jeff Morrow
Rex Reason
Leigh Snowden
The wealthy Dr. William Barton organizes an expedition to the Florida Everglades with the scientists Dr. Thomas Morgan, Dr. Borg and Dr. Johnson to capture the Creature. They navigate in the ship of Capt. Stanley with Jed Grant and Dr. Barton's wife Marcia Barton joins the team. Dr. Barton is paranoid with the jealousy of Marcia and Jed is harassing her in the trip. They chase and capture the Creature that is totally burnt. Without breathing through the gills, the Creature is turned into an air-breather through his hidden lungs and brought to the ranch of Dr. Barton in California. Dr. Morgan defends the thesis that the Creature responds to the way that he is treated and asks people to be not violent with him. But Dr. Barton is near a breakdown with his jealousy of Marcia.What moive kicks off your 4th of July?
Ever since I can remember the 4th of July has been a big summer movie weekend. And as we plan on hitting the multiplex for some Inside Out this weekend here are a few of the movies I like to revisit to get in the Independence Day mood.
Nothing gets the American blood flowing like Rocky can!
Vacation Time
All though the thermostat says 70 degrees and the calendar says July I'm a bit confused as I write this post. Part of me wants to grab some pumpkin ale and sit on the porch while carving a few Jack-O-Lanterns. It is summer and the 4th of July is one of those big picnic and party days where everybody gathers together and create fun memories to last a lifetime. So today I thought why not share a few recipes from my Seagram's food and drink guide that has that late 60's vibe.
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This is a pretty big book if you like this post let me know and I will post a few more in the future. Happy 4th paly safe.
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