Piranha 3DD
2012 | Color | 83 Minutes | 1.37:1 | R | Horror | Dolby Digital | Dimension
John Gulager (Feast 1-3)
Patrick Melton (Feast 1-3, Saw 4-7)
Marcus Dunstan (Feast 1-3, Saw 4-7)
Danielle PanabakerMatt Bush
Katrina Bowden
Jean-Luc Bilodeau
David Koechner
Chris Zylka
Meagan Tandy
David Hasselhoff
Christopher Lloyd
Paul Scheer
Gary Busey
Clu Gulager
So how do you top and already over the top movie? You hire John Gulager and his buddy's Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan for a "Project Green Light" redo. Yep, the guys who brought you the Feast franchise are back to splatter more gore. This time they bring in some pretty big guns! I'm talking star power to match all that naked flesh.
The movie opens with Clu Gulager (Return of the Living Dead) and Gary Busy (Ginger Dead Man) pretty much being themselves. The old coots bounce off of each other with great tongue and cheek humor, and lead into a very young and likable cast. Add in comedic power of David Koechner (Waiting, Anchorman) who plays the sleazy co owner of the new Adult Strip Pool Water Park to a tee. Koechner should be up for some kind of award for a job well done. Then bring back some of the veterans like Ving Rhames and Paul Scheer, and Christopher Llyod put them into a blender add great non CGI effects, pour it out on to the page and you get Piranha 3 double d.
There is a lot to like here. David Hasselhoff pokes fun of himself and the many characters that he has played over the years. The plot is silly, but it is fun. There is plenty of nakedness to go around and tons and tons of gore. Look, at times the movie makes no sense, and is pointless but it does its job of entertaining you. For the most part it is very well written and Gulager proves that he should be taken more serious in Hollywood. He keeps a steady pace from beginning to end. The camera angles are very thought out, and the fact that he did not stoop to the CGI level. Now its not 100% CGI free, you can not help but to appreciate the fact the he uses puppets and blends the two together well.
In the end this is a fun popcorn movie that will not let you take it serious enough to complain about it. The first Piranha (Remake) had more gore and blood but 3DD does not disappoint by any means. The cast is great looking cast that goes for the topless ones as well. If you liked the first one than this is a must. If you're a fan of 80's slashers then rent or buy this now! You won't feel cheated.
I give Piranha 3DD a very strong
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4 Bloody Brains out of 5 |
Now if only they could have signed Pamela Anderson.
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