Little Monsters
2019 | Horror | 1 Hr 33 Min | R | Hulu
Director: Abe Forsythe
Writer: Abe Forsythe
Lupita Nyong'o
Josh Gad
Alexander England
Dave has decided to get over his recent breakup by seeking refuge in his nephew Felix, accompanying him on a school trip, among other things, to be able to get closer to one of the teachers, Miss Caroline. Everything seems normal, at least until a zombie invasion breaks out that will threaten Dave's plans. New horror movie icon Lupita Nyong'o nails it in this blend of comedy and gore.
Man those Aussies know how to make a dam funny Zombie comedy! Little Monsters is truly a must-see!
The movie starts out on the dark side as Dave (Alexander England), whose life is crumbling around him as he and his girlfriend are shown through time-fighting every day. Dave leaves and finds himself back at his sister's house where he tries to get close to his nephew's kindergarten teacher Miss Caroline, played by Nyong’o. It also stars Josh Gad (Olf in Frozen) as Teddy McGiggle, the star of a children’s show, who isn’t exactly what his character makes him seem to be. The group is on a class trip when the farm their visiting is overrun by zombies. The zombies are the fault of the American Military Base. I have to admit that it was so funny and fresh seeing America portrayed as the dumb ass for once and I like it a lot! While it sounds like a nightmare, it actually leads to some of the most hilarious situations that are guaranteed to hook you in.
I must warn you though the movie is funny right from the start when Dave has some seriously
hilarious and inappropriate interactions with his nephew. As much as this feels like a family movie, the film R rating definitely comes from the uses of strong language and Brief Nudity so be prepared for that. One of the big laughs comes from the U.S. Military, who is responsible for the zombie outbreak. They’re essentially just there to constantly remind you that we have done zombie movies to death.

With those bright colors and silly kid songs, the movie turns rather quickly although at the cost of comedy to develop the charters in the middle it quickly picks back up leaving you giggling with glee. The kids are amazing keeping you going with the awe factor but your eyes will never leave the screen when our action hero Kindergarten Teacher Audry is there! Nyong'o might not get the laughs but she sure can kick Zombie Ass and keep her cool doing it. Her charter is strong yet so full of love. I know that sounds confusing but trust me it works and on so many levels. She is the reason we are here and she makes it worth our while.

The real comedy relief comes from Josh Gad who is a Barney type of charter that the kids look up to. While his dialogue seems completely out of left field at times, his combination of vulgar language directed at children and outrageous physical comedy makes him an absolute scene-stealer. And he is such a dick! But in a good way? Yeah, he is a dick. Believe it or not, a fair amount of the comedy also comes from the kids. With there cute and innocent storyline the children at times fill in the gap pulling in some serious laughs.
With plenty of gore from the very polished special effects to the roller coaster ride of a story, Little Monster is a fun little romp in the likes of Shaun of the Dead or Zombie Land. The only downfall is that Taylor Swift's song will be stuck in your head for far too long!
If your a Zombie fan and looking for a laugh to go along with them you must check out Little Monsters it's not a trick its a treat!
4 Bloody Brains out of 5 |