Sick of this Flu stuff!

So what a day this has been. First we all needed to get up early to head to Ella's Doctor visit. Its a good hour and a half drive so 5:45 am was not easy. Then looking out the window I noticed that it has snowed and no plows where out doing the streets! So add more time to the trip.

Upon entering the hospital the girls where stopped and asked to put on mask's. Well I understand why but my four year old had no clue! She was so scared she would not move. This flu thing is getting crazy.

The good news Ella's A1C score came back much better then we thought it would and the visit was not bad. But when it was over Lainey did not want to leave she just did not want to go back out into the hall way. I think she washed her hands 100 times.

Oh well everything ended fine for them they went and built a bear and drug daddy around shopping for hours     on end.


  1. I bet you took a looooong nap after that morning!

  2. No sadly I could not fall asleep until 1 am! To much on my mind from the doctor visit.
