Ok before you say anything yes this is a tween book but who cares the title screamed buy me so I did. I picked this book up at the book sale for .25 cents.
Rachel is hired as a counselor at Camp Silverlake for the upcoming session. All counselors must meet up a week before for orientation. Things get off to a great start at first, until strange things start happening. One day, Rachel is assigned the job of the upkeep on the lobby/lodge bulletin board for the upcoming campers. She decides to put up pictures of the past years at the camp. Afterward, everyone becomes very quiet and irritated with her for no apparent reason. She soon finds out why....Seven years earlier, a camper died of an accident, and Rachel accidentally put his picture up right in the center of the board. Aside from that, unfortunate mishaps occur, such as a snake in someone's bed, etc. Even scarier, it happened to the person who has a phobia of snakes! Similar events occur, according to peoples' phobias and fears, and Rachel begins to wonder if she could also be in danger!
I found camp fear of being a quick read, a fast action packed story. The storyline, however, was a bit too predictable and the ending wasn't satisfying. In fact, it just ended. But don't let that slow you down. This book will stay on my shelve to read again at another time.
Camp Fear
3.5 Bloody Brains Out of 5