Ah, the day my Twitter followers hate me is here the 2017 F This Movie Fest 6 the world's only Twitter Film Festival. What does that mean for you? Well duh, it means grab the following movies follow
+FThisMovie on Twitter and use the hashtag #fthismovieflimfest to chat about the movies we are all watching at the same time!!
This year Patrick Bromley and his crew are jumping back to the wonderful year of 1987. So here are the simple rules from the F This Movie Blog
1. Secure copies of all five movies! (DVD/Blu-ray, Amazon Instant Video, iTunes rentals, public libraries, etc.)
2. If you're not already doing so, follow
F This Movie! on Twitter (@fthismovie). If you're not already on Twitter, you should sign up! You can quit the very next day if you want.
3. Don't quit. Keep following us on Twitter.
4. Beginning at Noon on Saturday, February 11th, we all start watching the first movie at the same time from the comfort of YOUR OWN HOME and talk about it on Twitter (just tag all of your comments with #fthismoviefest). It will be like a running commentary. A conversation. Just like WE'RE ALL IN THE SAME ROOM TOGETHER!
5. We are not making fun of these movies. We love these movies.
6. If you have to leave for a movie or can only participate in half the festival or whatever, that's cool! Just check in or out with us on Twitter so we know who's there and when. Hopefully, we can all do the full marathon, but we know that's not easy for everyone.
And now the breakdown of the flicks and whether or not I will be on at that time.